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Divided attention ...

There is nothing more disconcerting (read: irritating or even, if one is honest, upsetting) when one is talking to another and the other, whilst apparently talking to you, is not looking at you but rather around the surroundings at (or for) a seemingly more interesting subject of attention. Just plain rude. And insulting. And one wonders why one bothers to give such folk the time of day. Usually, if the truth be told, the other is not that invested in the chat they are having with you. Let's be frank. And as soon as the other has an escape route, that is what they do. Escape. And one is left bereft. Following someone else's divided attention.

Pondering this issue, Mary1 was reminded of her dates (yes: plural) with John72. The thing is Mary1 is usually very attentive when on a date: eye contact, suitable oohs and aahs, smiles and tossing about of the ponytail, et cetera. She is the all time best datee. Who doesn't just love an attentive listener. Mary1's dates feel like the most fascinating fellows this side of the North Pole. Okay, this side of the Orange River in the very least.

But, in the case of John72, Mary1 had a problem. She was behaving a bit like the types who look around the room. But it was different. The same but not the same. But attention was indeed divided.

The views from the date venues were beyond eye-catching: Mary1 loves the yacht club. All those yachts. Pretending to be in Monaco. Not nearby Maitland. No, it was not the view that distracted Mary1. Nor was it any other patron or waitron at the foxy dimly lit restaurant who distracted Mary1.

Mary1 is embarrassed to say that the reason she could not focus on John72 was that she was giving her undivided attention to a facial disfigurement which John72 sported. She was totally transfixed. Her eyes kept darting back, in tandem as Mary 1 is not squint, to John72's facial point of interest. You see, John72 had a skew septum. Skew. Very skew. So skew that Mary1 was incapable of maintaining eye contact with John72 for very long at all. She instead had eye-nose contact.

Mary1 knows in her heart of hearts that John72 could not have felt that special on those dates albeit that Mary1 only had eyes for him; actually only for his nose.


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