Running Away

"You can't run away from yourself" - Bob Marley
Gosh. John67 was a busy chap. He was either away from home or at home planning the next jaunt. He was forever adventuring somewhere. In a desert, a glacier, a river. In an overland vehicle, a kayak, on a motorbike. He was, prima facie, an exciting kind of a chap. He certainly had exciting tales to recount: the Northern lights, Amazon jungle, Niagara Falls. Which is one up on the average John whom has but tales of life in the office at best. Or possibly the Breede River or at a push, the Victoria Falls.
Mary1 felt quite provincial besides John67. She would love to lead the life that John67 leads. Sadly, she has no trust fund to feed off, just yet. And she has dependents and thus a job. Mary1's job has a generous leave structure so she does get to adventure for a month or so each year. Mary1 generally feels lucky on the leave and adventure front. Next to John67 she felt unlucky.
John67 invited Mary1 on an adventure of note on date one. She was rather taken aback. That said, Mary1 never says no. To adventures, that is! Sadly (Mary1 lies, she wasn't actually sad) Mary1 declined the invite as she was already booked to do her sailing crew ticket at the same time. Which was an adventure in itself. But that is another story.
Mary1's sixth sense kicked in, however. As it seems to do. Especially with Johns. Upon reflection, and with the benefit of introspection and further engagement with John67, Mary1 began to feel that there was an uneasiness about John67. He was not 'happy' unless he was either planning an adventure (read: living in the future) or adventuring (read: distracted in the present).
There was no 'now' for John67. He did not like the 'now'. He was clearly unnerved by the present. The present made John67 feel uncomfortable. Mary1 managed to work out why that was so. You see, John67's life plans had been turned upside down by the untimely death of his life partner. They had planned their life till the very end. And her passing, in John67's mind, spelled the end of the dream.
So, to survive this tragedy, of the loss of his sweetheart and his life plan, John67 got busy. Very busy. He traveled. A lot. Non-stop.
The reason for John67's traveling frenzy is patently obvious. If Bob Marley and Ernest Hemingway could realise what John67's rationale was, then so could Mary1:
"Traveling won't ever help you to get rid of your problems. You can't run away from yourself." - Ernest Hemingway
Now, Mary1 could bang on and chastise John67 for this 'running away from myself' approach to problem-solving. But this is not Mary1's 'issue'. And John67 is a big boy. This is John67's coping mechanism. For the 'now' (!). His approach will not solve the 'problem' but it will help to distract John67 for a while until he gets used to his new life. Perhaps when the rawness subsides, John67 will be able to face himself.
Until then, here's to your adventures John67!
"You can run, run, run away from a lot of things in life, but you can't run away from yourself. And the key to happiness is to understand and accept who you are." - Dale Archer