Roses are red ...

" I want to lay you down on a bed of roses ... "
Bon Jovi, 1992
Actually, this was not quite the case with John70. But Mary1 did love the roses. Red roses at that.
Mary1 and John70 met for the first (and last) time at a very swish wharfside bar. But it was not a 'bar' kind of bar. That sounds a little beer-swirling. It was an upmarket, foxy kind of a bar. It was glorious and Mary1 felt as if she was on the Cote d'Azur.
This was especially so as John70 had that delicious Mediterranean touch. The tall, dark, handsome touch. Sadly not that tall. But he was Jewish. Mary1 could be his princess. So, he was prima facie, perfect.
He was so perfect he even arrived proffering a bunch of alive roses. Do not take this aliveness aspect for granted; bunches of roses are often only half alive when delivered, that is half dead. And these were red roses to boot. Melt. Mary1 melted. On the spot. As one does when one is the recipient of roses. Especially red roses. From a Mediterranean-looking fellow.
The evening progressed well. Very well. Conversation flowed. Mary1 and John70 had much in common. The roses were in a champagne bucket looking terribly decadent and all was just dandy. Until John70 opened up his telephone.
John70 wished to show Mary1 some photographs. Of his latest home renovations. Renovations to his pool and patio area. Mary1 got terribly excited. She was picturing the splendid view from the deck over the ocean. His home she knew overlooked the ocean. There would be strategically placed pool loungers with fluffy towels rolled up at the ends. There would be a rim flow pool and possibly a glass front.
But there was none of that. John70 had a kidney-shaped gunnite pool. Remember those. From the 70s. So quaint. Quaint in the 70s, that is. John70 had had new paving laid around his kidney-shaped pool. Not real pavers. He had had pigmented terracotta cement thrown down into which a pattern was then made to resemble irregularly shaped pavers. There was also a built-in braai and a pizza oven and a plastic table cloth on the outside furniture. Easy to clean.
Mary1 went cold. Fortunately the roses were cold and made it home as fresh as daisies.