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Grace man

"For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful"

Saying grace before a meal does not necessarily reflect religiosity. No, it is not only the religious zealot who says grace prior to the thrice times daily feast. In fact, saying grace is a form of mindfulness; it is time built into one's day to practice presence and it is this presence which creates greater happiness, emotional health, clearer thinking, human connection, and a myriad of other physical health benefits. Grace is thus a form of mindfulness which aids, inter alia, human connection. This is very important in today's world of social isolation and disconnectedness. John63 was mindful of the benefits of saying grace.

John63 said grace a lot. You see, he was a snacker so grace was said on a plethora of occasions throughout the day. Like over rusks and his morning coffee, over breakfast, late morning carrots, lunch, and so forth. However, in the case of John63, grace was extended to include the benefit of greater dog connection.

You see John63 loved his dogs. A lot. So much so that he said grace with his hands placed gently upon their furry heads whilst they sat patiently with their bowls at their paws when he fed them.

Mary1 is not religious. That said, Mary1 is not an atheist. She is one of those 'spiritual' types who follows no doctrine but has well-developed spiritual beliefs and has a spiritual orientation. Mary1 battled with John63's grace habits. She was roped into many a grace moment and had to become mindful of not taking that first coffee sip before John63 had said his say. Delaying gratification does not come easily to Mary1. But Mary1 is flexible and accepted John63's grace habit with grace. But, Mary1's sense of humour was tickled each time feeding time at the zoo took place. Mary1 felt bad when stifling another one of those laughs which make no sound but you feel it as you tense your lower abdominals and prevent snorting through your nose.

This was no laughing matter. Why should John63 not bless his best friends and take a moment out of the day to be mindful with them? He shouldn't not. He should continue.

Vive la difference! The world is made up of many an interesting John, and John63 was no exception.


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