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Evil eyes

The 'eyes are the windows to the soul'. They reflect either spiritual light or great spiritual darkness within our souls. The eyes provide much information about another's emotional state. And John66's were no exception.

Eyes are such an important body part to mankind that even songs have been written about them: '4 Your Eyes Only' by J. Cole; 'A Little Death Around the Eyes' by Peter Doherty; 'All Eyes on You' by Meek Mill; 'Angel Eyes' by Roxy Music; 'Close Your Eyes' by Michael Buble; and Mary1's all time favourite 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' by Franki Valli. Raunchy romance that one. Clearly, eyes are indeed a human fixation (no pun intended); when last was a pop song written about the elbow? Oopsi, there is one Mary1 can think off: Yonder Mountain String Band produced a song called 'Insult and an Elbow'. Not sure that that was the catchiest of songs.

Then there is the 'evil eye' which is a curse believed to be cast by a manevolent glare usually given to someone when they are unaware but believed to cause misfortune, bad luck or injury. Mary1's first born has perfected this glare; in her family it is called the 'f*ck you look' and it is indeed scary to behold. The evil eye was first recorded by the Mesopotamians about 5000 years ago on clay tablets in cuneiform, nogal. It is found in Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddist and Hindu cultures so Mary1 has not gone all woo-woo on her readers by this reference.

To get rid of the evil eye, a lucky eye or evil eye bead/s is worn sort of like a good luck charm. The bead/s reflects the evil intent back to the giver. Karma comes to mind. The bead resembles an eye and its blue colour is a factor in protecting the wearer. Mary1 carries evil eye beads on her at all times. Every bag has one in or dangling off it. She has a set of evil eye worry beads hanging off her rear view mirror in her car, too. And one on her office desk. One cannot be too careful in Mary1's opinion. People can be poisonous. Mary1 is protected.

And so it was that John66 and Mary1 met for a coffee on the verandah of the prettiest of hotels in the vineyards. Great coffee. More than one was enjoyed.


John66 was not a Stockbroker; he had said he was. In fact, he had worked in a brokerage once upon a time. Mary1 bust John66 when he failed Mary1's due diligence test: he looked at her blankly when she mentioned the Rand-hedge dilemma; why our markets are propped up by the said Rand-hedges and what is going to transpire when the Rand tanks properly and there are no fundamentals to prop up an artificially boosted market. John66. Rather say that you are a Chartered Accountant. John66 was a Chartered Accountant. What was the point on saying he was a Stockbroker when he had worked in a brokerage as the Financial Director a hundred years ago? Mary1 works in a medical assessment consultancy. Mary1 did not present herself to John66 as a Doctor. Hard to believe that Mary1 is not a Doctor, of course. You should hear her wax lyrical about the functional implications of cerebrovascular accidents.

But worst of all, worse than his little white lies. John66 took off his sunnies. Never take off your sunglasses if you have evil eyes.

John66 had evil blue eyes. No. They were not the eyes of Mary1's son and heir. He has those azure blue big sky country eyes, blonde hair and a tan - what a combination, unless of course you are Adonis of Rocky Horror Picture Show fame. He had blonde hair and a tan, too. No. John66's were disturbing. Piercing. Unnerving. Evil. Mary1 asked John66 to swop places with her on the veranda. You see Mary1 wanted him to face the streaming afternoon sun and thus have to put his sunglasses back on. He obliged and Mary1 enjoyed her coffee without John66's evil eyes in sight so to speak.

John66. If you and Mary1 lived in the land of the midnight sun in winter only and you kept on your sunnies 24/7, you and Mary1 may have had a chance. Oh, and if you had not failed the next due diligence test. You are not 6'1". You are 5'7" tops. Mary1's son and heir is 6'1" and she has to tip her head back to look at him. Just saying.


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