Getting down and dirty

There is nothing quite like getting down and dirty. And then clean. Dirty as in grubby. Clean as in shower. Dirty feet having hauled the boat in from the river while the John is in the boat clean and dry; dirty hands having baked a chocolate peanut butter caramel cake; dirty fingernails after a Spring gardening session; dirty hair after a wet, wild, ocean sail. Delicious dirt.
Mary1 doesn't mind getting dirty. Filthy is good, too. But that shower is an essential follow-on activity. Mary1's son and heir used to beg to differ. He saw no point in showering at all. He was just going to get dirty again so why bother. Even after rugby. Mary1 spent many an hour arguing with the son and heir in the days gone by. They reached a compromise when he was about seven years old. He had to just attend to his face, bum and feet. The rest could stay as is. Mary1 has not checked on her son and heir's ablution habits of late but she was told by him that there was no need for her to top up his toiletries as there is always spare shower gel and the likes lying around the university residence shower rooms; 'we share, Mum, just chill' ... 'but, who tops up when its finished?' Mary1 asked her boy who returned her question with a faroff look of bewilderment. Enough said.
A brother word of the word 'dirt' is the word 'smut'. The Yiddish word 'schmutz' means both dirt and smut, too. The origin of the word 'smut' is the German word 'schmutzen' which means to defile, corrupt or make obscene. Modern usage of the word is made to reflect small flakes of soot, a fungal disease of cereals and of course lascivious talk, writing or pictures, i.e. words that offend some because they relate to sex.
So what is Mary1 banging on about?
John71 loves getting dirty. He does those obstacle course races through mud. Proper thick brown mud. Running and canoeing and carrying poles over walls and getting muddy. He also rides his horses on those cross country courses across and through rivers and whatnot. He was in the army - not a unique characteristic - most white boys Mary1's age went - so he doesn't flinch when it comes to getting dirty.
Mary1 liked John71. He was energetic and enthusiastic, outdoorsy and exhilarated by life. Nice. He also has a great sense of humour and Mary1 disturbed a few patrons on the veranda of the Atlantic Seaboard hotel; Mary1 can laugh loudly. She cannot help herself. Funny is funny.
Mary1 and John71's first date went well by dating standards. And John71 duly followed-up with communications almost as soon as he pecked her goodbye.
Sadly though, John71's love for dirt extended to an apparent love for talking dirty, too. Smut to be frank. On text one post-date. I am sorry. 'So what?' you may be thinking. Well, you know what? Mary1 is all for smut - in the appropriate context. Straight after a first date does not fall into that Venn diagram. It was a turn-off for Mary1. Mary1 was disappointed. She was disappointed that she was turned-off a nice enough John. She also second guessed herself. 'Oooh, perhaps I am being a prude? Perhaps I need to moderise my standards?'
Mary1 thought no further. She would ask the opinion of the one person she knows who has the highest dating standards, the greatest relationship success and is thoroughly modern? Mary1's first born daughter read the John71 smutty texts. She was blank faced. She looked at Mary1, blankly still, and said 'John71, goodbye'.
Mary1 always follows her offsprings' advice, even her 14-year old's advice. They are wise people. They seldom get it wrong. They advise about dirt and showering and allied nuances; they advise about relationships. Mary1 is one lucky mama.