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The medicine man

Mary1 does love interesting people. Especially interesting men. And John65 is an interesting man. You see, John65 is one of those homeopathic, alternative medicine practitioners. He mixes up potions. And cures people. In stark contrast, Mary1 is the offspring of one of those non-homeopathic, conventional medical practitioners. The offspring of one of the greatest advocates of antibiotics, to be frank. The kinkiest part of Mary1's upbringing on the medicine and healing front involved her "stay-at-home with the nanny and gardener" mother whom used to treat her doctor father's patients of warts with a special plant she grew in her lush suburban garden. Mary1's doctor father failed to cure his patients of warts in the conventional way; her mother's success rate in the wart-curing department was well-known in the 'burbs back in the 1970s.

So when Mary1 met John65 at the magnificent local suburban hotel on the veranda under the bougainvilla she was excited. This was going to be a fascinating John. An alternative sort of John. Mary1 could do with a bit of fascinating. And fascinating John65 was.

John65 was internationally trained. He would have to be to be a top alternative medicine man. He was interesting in that internationally-educated way. Well-travelled, open-minded, diverse. A thinking man. Delicious. Potentially delicious.

John65 spoke. A lot. Mary1 egged him on. Mary1 didn't mind not being the chief speaker of the day; Mary1, in fact, sucked the life out of the man drawing answers from him to the miriad of questions she posed about his trade and practice. Mary1 loves to play devil's advocate, too and she sparred a tad with John65. Juicy chat that was.

John65 is operating in the most exciting industry. Growth isn't the word. That industry is the way of the future. It is still a relatively untapped market. John65, if he managed himself well, could really be in the Pound seats. Could be in the Pound seats.

But John65 is not. Because John65 is in that "poverty trap". The poverty mindset trap.

Now, put down your wagging fingers and refrain from admonishing me about John65's economic state. This is not a comment about his balance sheet. It is his mindset that is poor. He is negative. He is one of those "yes, but ... " kind of chaps when a suggestion with legs is made. He needs to watch a bit of Monty Python's Life of Brian: "Always look on the bright side of life, dah dum ..."

John65 began asking Mary1 about how to go about certain ideas he had to grow and evolve his business. Mary1 is full of ideas. She usually has a perky solution to a problem. Even homeopathic problems. Yes, Mary1 is quite an adaptable kind of a gal and knows a bit about a lot. Mary1 was so excited about John65's problems that she was picturing herself resigning from her job forthwith and building a homeopathic medicine empire; she was totally caught up in John65's business quandaries. And she was loving it. However, that dream of Mary1's disolved as fast as it emerged. As fast as Mary1 made suggestions, John65 had a reason why they would fail. No wonder his business was languishing.

John65 was a typical Sad Sack. He needs to watch the movie "Sad Sack Sally". He, like Sally, needs to cease being afraid of love, success, and being out of his comfort zone.

The champagne helped Mary1 keep chipper in the company of Sad Sack John65. At the outset the meeting was invigorating and interesting, stimulating and energising. However, it was not long before Mary1's light and fluffy energy slowly felt weighed down by John65's heavy negatively-charged energy. And she had to, in the words of her wise son and heir, "run, Mom, run".

Poor John65. Great potential. If only he could shake that "poverty" mindset he would fly in not just his business environs but in his personal life, too.


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