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Action man ...

Energy. Oozing energy. It was tangible. It was exciting. It was exhilarating. John60 has the most jaw-dropping, comment-worthy energy Mary1 could recall.

John60 'found' Mary1. He found her via Project Boyfriend via a friend of a friend of a friend and by deduction he was suitably fascinated by Mary1's adventures. In fact, he seemingly wanted to be a John! This prompted him to arrange a date with Mary1 to meet her.

They met in Mary1's neighbourhood coffee shop. Quite a snazzy one actually but over-priced; I warned John60 not to order the muffins as they charge an extra R15 for cheese and an extra R15 for jam. A simple muffin can cost R75 before you know it. Not worth that in my book. The meeting involved non-stop chatting sprinkled with a significant dose of laughter. Mary1 was energised by John60. He is active, sporty, outdoorsy, adventurous. He is one of those classic mountain-men. Scaling peaks before 8am and running across ranges for fun. Best of all, he is sentient, conscious, intuitive, sensitive. What a breath of fresh air John60 is. It is rare to find a man who boasts those more ethereal qualities. Precious. Almost spiritual. No, it is spiritual. John60 is open; he is a sharer and he shared his life story and not just the high moments but also the more sobering moments. He had clearly journeyed and was the better for it. John60 is a man who has looked inside, outside and upside down and it showed. What a special man.

Sadly Mary1 was clearly not John60's forever-after kind of gal. But they have met up subsequently in an non-John and non-Mary capacity. Really fun. And John60 especially likes Mary1's energy. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. John60 found an energetic friend in Mary1 and Mary1 found one in John60. Now, that was a worthwhile meeting.


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