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Snow White ...

In Grimm's fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White falls in love with a handsome prince. He was surely tall, dark and handsome or even tall, blonde and handsome but what is certain about this prince is that he was no dwarf. The seven dwarfs were really kind, loving chaps. They took Snow White in and cared for her, gave her a place to stay and shared their worldly possessions with her. Gosh this sounds like the perfect chap. These dwarfs behaved like every mother's dream spouse for her daughter: generous, sharing, caring. So why is it that Snow White didn't settle for one of these seven little chaps? She fell for a beautiful, tall unknown quantity.

John24 is every woman's dream spouse. And every mother's dream spouse for her daughter. Fathers don't crack a mention; they can't stand any man when it comes to their daughter. Not matter how caring and sharing. John24 is generous, sharing, caring. Abundant in every way. He is a musician, how groovy is that. Not one with tattoos and doing gigs in late night dives. An internationally music-educated man in the music business. How impressed Mary1 was with John24. Interesting life John24 had led. He had travelled the world and lived abroad and spoke some fascinating languages, including French. Sigh. Now that is a come-to-bed language if there was ever one.

So, why then did Mary1 not fall for John24? Because John24 is a dwarf. Not really. But John24 is short, very short, shorter than Mary1. She knows. She knows. Why keep falling for the tall, dark handsome or even tall, blonde handsome variety who turn out to be not so beautiful inside when on a plate is the likes of sharing, caring, generous John24? Because John24 is a too short for Mary1. And it just doesn't happen for her with these sorts of Johns, sadly. It is a primal issue Mary1 thinks; she doesn't want to be able to pat her John on the head like she could when her offspring were shorter than she was. That's a bit too mother-y for her. She is over the mothering stage of life. She would rather be hoiked up in the arms of a larger John. Poor Mary1. Tricky being of the taller variety.


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