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Hello, it's me

I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet

To go over everything ...

Adele, 2015

Such a beautiful song that. The benefit of having a teen in the house is that one gets to be exposed to all the wonderful new music as and when it hits the airwaves. This song reminds Mary1 of one of her Johns. John35, in fact.

Mary1 met John35 over a year ago. They met and dined and had a memorable evening and have not lost touch since. Unusual not to lose touch. Well, they have lost touch so-to-speak as John35 isn't in touching distance of Mary1; John35 lives in the great metropolis 1200-odd km north of where Mary1 lives. John35 however, has kept in touch with Mary1 thanks to Alexander Graham Bell's great invention. Had this been just two decades ago, John35 would have been letter writing as was the way back then as it had been since the Persian Queen Atossa first put 'pen' to 'paper' back in 500BC. Perhaps then John35 would have given up on this long distance communication lark! Alex has made life far easier for Johns and Marys than it was yesteryear.

John35 texts Mary1 regularly, throws in the odd telephone call - although that has waned come to think of it - and he is good at the communication business. As he clearly is in business per se. Must be his communication skills. One picks up a lot about another reading between the lines, and Mary1 has to admit that much is also lost when what is meant to be communicated in the lines is lost between the lines. Be that as it may, John35 and Mary1 have happy chats, the odd joke (nonsense, many jokes), he makes scathing comments about Mary1's Johns and various other topics of interests, politics comes to mind. Fortunately they share a political platform which makes the regular sharing of outbursts of ire 'unpolitical' between the two of them. Nothing worse than a disapproving John. Like John23. At least John35 doesn't think Mary1 is a racist. Uuuurgh. John35 and Mary1 get on famously. What a shame they cant touch per se.

The thing is, John35 is evidently very happy with the status quo up north. He clearly has the means to hop on a plane, as does Mary1, but neither has done so to date. Funny that. In fact, if the truth be told, Mary1 is often up north on business. The question is why has she not made a mini detour and met up with John35 again? Is it as John35 has failed to do the same? Probably. That would be a classic 'cut off your nose to spite your face' scenario. But actually, perhaps Mary1 knows that John35 has no intention of becoming the John so she is not investing any more in him than she does. Which is fine. It is what it is. It is nice. John35 is nice. Keep up the comms, John35!

Hello, its me

I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet

To go over everything ...


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