Too foreign

Mary1 loves foreign. Foreign anything. Just not local. You see, Mary1 has a foreign soul. This explains her restlessness, her eternal feeling of entrapment, her desire to escape. It can only be her soul yearning to leave. To leave this land, to travel and to go 'home'. Past life regression is a marvellous tool. It confirmed for Mary1 that she has indeed a foreign soul having spent many a past life in lands afar. This may appear to you to be a problem for Mary1 as she lives where she lives. And is only scheduled to flea once her third born is doing the same. A mere five years to go. No problem! International travel takes care of that. And possibly on the arm of a foreign John in the future, she dreamed.
Mary1 thought that a very foreign John may just do the trick. The local Johns were just not gelling with her, so she surmised that perhaps she needed that foreign touch. Mary1 had never dated a Scandinavian John. John59 presented the opportunity to date a very foreign John.
Very cosy. John59 lived nearby and Mary1 and John59 frequented the same coffee shop. Mary1 and John59 walked to their rendezvous point. "Walking to a date! That is so London, Mommy!" exclaimed Mary1's third born. Very perceptive she is, thought Mary1. Her international travel exposure is shining through.
Scandinavian accents are different. So are their values, ideologies, expectations, attitudes. Rather refreshing, in fact. Mary1 liked what she heard. Mary1 noted the strongly Germanic aspect of John59's accent. She found this disturbing. Another past life issue she has. But that is another discussion. Notwithstanding their differences Mary1 found John59 enthralling. He led an adventurous life; he travelled extensively for work as a reporter and photographer for an internal publication and of course for pleasure, too. He had had some horrific experiences on the way but the richness of his life was just up Mary1's alley. The South African beer and braai brigade is so pedestrian in comparison. Mary1 was ready for this new angle on life. The well-travelled foreign John has so much more to offer Mary1. John59 had lots of fascinating titbits for Mary1. Did you know that the Finns are obsessed with saunas. There is on average one sauna per 2.5 people in Finland. And, the Danes are the world's happiest people. Finland boasts the highest rate of suicides in Europe. Go figure? And that Iceland is home to the highest per capita rate of Coca-Cola consumption in the world! Who would have thought, snow and all. Go Coca-Cola! Marketing rocks!
Mary1 and John59 had a successful coffee date and they walked home again, too. Very London. Love it.
John59 asked Mary1 out again but she declined the invitation. You see, although John59 is a very exciting John, Mary1 did not feel that feeling. That essential feeling which makes one want more of the same. Which is okay.