The CEO ...

You have gotta love those job interviews where the interviewer, the boss, spends 90% of the interview time telling you all about the company, that is how marvellous it is, how wonderful it would be for one should one get the job advertised. Such lovely interviews these are; low stress, high entertainment. The only potential stress lies in the thought that one's oohs and aahs were not up to expectation. The boss bangs on and gets all excited about his 'baby' and the energy in the room is tangible, invigorating, motivating, stirring. It is a bit like verbal foreplay, it can be as exciting. And one gets paid for the outcome, when one is appointed. Bonus.
Dates are like job interviews really. One is applying for a post. The post of significant other so-to-speak.
John40 is big. Very big. He has a big job. Chief Executive Officer big. Seriously big. Big as in public listed company big. And he is as proud as punch of his achievements. As he should be, as Mary1 would be if she were John40. But Mary1 shall never be a CEO as John-ex pointed out when she used to encourage John-ex to abuse company assets: Mary1 used to ask John-ex to make photocopies for her at work rather than her driving to the printing shop in those before-we-had-printers days. John-ex would never commit such a heinous act. That is why he was the CEO and why Mary1 was not and would never be a CEO.
Splendid dinner. The waiters knew John40. Mary1 got that 'shame, it's your turn tonight' look from the maître d'. A Mary was obviously not a rare sight. Obviously. John40 is John40. CEO of a public listed company.
Perfect dinner etiquette; cutlery use, napkin use, timing of ordering the meal, preamble to the wine choice. Mary1 was in awe. John40 could do no wrong. And John40 is attractive. Very attractive in that tall, dark, handsome way. Except he isn't dark, but never mind. That is minor. Tall and handsome will do. Mary1 was fantasizing about her soon-to-be purchased Mrs CEO-John40 frocks she would be having made up in the very near future.
Conversation was lively. Mary1 was not surprised. She was a part of the conversation. The topics included, inter alia, John40's various ex-wives (all mad, all money-grabbers as they tend to be), John40's various successful children (of course they were successful, he made them), John40's education (private, international, post-graduate), John40's various homes (local and otherwise), John40's favourite holiday destinations (local mostly which surprised Mary1) and what John40 was reading at that time. And the piece de resistance, John40's company: how many shares he owned, his share options, the share price, the price/earnings ratio, the yield, international off-shore interests, rand hedge component, current areas of concern, growth nodes, growth trajectories, political threats, get the look. Mary1 has company analysis under the belt, she was once employed as an analyst. She wished she still was, the information she gleaned from John40 on his public listed company would have been enough to have written the best company recommendation report ever. It is a buy, of course. Rand hedge quality especially exciting.
Mary1 was exhausted after her date (job interview). The varietal where the date (boss) does all the talking was indeed entertaining. The oohs and aahs were forthcoming and she nodded and grinned and laughed and threw back her freshly blow-dried locks as and when deemed necessary. They even brushed feet. As one does. Exhausting business.
John40 recommended that he did not stay over that night. Mary1 was surprised. She had not invited him to do so. Nor had she invited him to come inside when they were at her front door saying goodnight. The good night kiss was memorable. But it was not an invitation by proxy. Or perhaps Mary1 was sending out all the wrong signals kiss-wise. Perhaps John40 was being ever-so-proper by going home. Perhaps he was exhausted after his presentation (to Mary1 at dinner). Whatever.
John40's company's financial results, which were posted of late, were outstanding. Go John40. You are clearly a fantastic CEO. You are a marketing guru. Marketing of your public listed company. And yourself. Those Mrs CEO-John40 frocks would have been lovely but I am not sure about life beyond that. My favourite holiday destination is off-shore, just saying. But you never did ask.