At a loss for words
The excitement Mary1 feels when meeting a new John is tangible. She is a glass half-full kind of gal so the upside of each date is top of mind. "It is what it is" remains Mary1's mantra and she approaches every rendezvous with rose-coloured sunnies.
Meeting a total stranger is not an easy task. The stranger who arrives has many a facet to examine and these facets are that which make or break the date. There are many considerations and potential pitfalls; what the stranger will look like (yes, that is shallow, but we are visual as well as sentient beings), what he will sound like (that South African accent has its variations and such are not all appealing, as with the beloved British accent, Mary1 melts in the presence of an Etonian accent, but don't take her to meet Mr Manchester please). Then of course there is the energy, the endorphins flying around and all those intangible deal breakers. Oh, and what he has to say content-wise which of course reflects his intellect, sense of humour style, ability to communicate, degree of consciousness ... get the picture.
This examination of factors is of course subconscious. And it is only upon reflection later on that one works out why the John did or did not become the John. Sometimes, the reflection bares no fruit. As in the case of John16.
Mary1 could not work out why John16 didn't morph into a stayer. John16 was personable and chatty, he was good-looking in that large, blonde, hunk, rugby player style (delicious) and he was gentlemanly. And bright. All good. There was no one aspect that she could pinpoint which would explain why in the presence of John16 she was rendered completely and utterly speechless.
Do not get excited. Not speechless as in dumbstruck out of sheer adoration, passion and heart-throbbing paralysis. Speechless as in nothing to say at all. Now, Mary1 is seldom at a loss for words. She has an enormous propensity to source appropriate and inappropriate conversational contributions. At the drop of a hat. Throw Mary1 into any social situation, hostile or not, and she will produce the goods verbally. So this speechlessness was a frightening happening in the life of the dating Mary1.
She tried desperately to think of something to say. A topic. An 'oooh' or an 'ahhh', anything. But nothing came to mind or mouth.
John16 probably thought Mary1 was a deathly dull kind of gal. Which is fine. If John16 had been the John Mary1 is certain she would have responded differently. For now though this dating aberration will remain one of life's great mysteries.