"Nice", but not "nice" enough to hitch a ride!
You know when someone is "nice" and you like them. Quite a lot. But not enough. It's tricky. It creates a kind of hesitation. Some dissonance. And a bit of internal tension. A bit like when you try to start your car and it splutters and jerks. It goes forward but pulls back and then jumps and then cuts out. Well, that is how it was with John30.
John30 is quite the catch. He is a retired entrepreneur from up north in the fast-lane. Sold up his own private enterprise and now plays golf. A lot. Like daily. And allegedly well. I did not offer to play with him. That would prove to be embarrassing. I last played golf with John-ex back in the 1990s. He refused to play with me after a round or two before we even married as I once laughed when an opponent hit a fresh air. He said it was impolite of me to have laughed. I said it was hilarious as the said chap was arrogant and that it had served him right to hit a fresh air shot. Anyway, John-ex won the day, as he usually did in such disagreements, and I stayed at home and looked after the cats thereafter whilst he played golf with arrogant fellows. John30 is clearly well-off, one can tell, plus he is tanned, relaxed and happy with his lot in life. His offspring have fled the nest and the ex-Marys are of no consequence at all. His life was rocking 'n rolling. In all areas except that he would like a Mary of sorts with whom to rock 'n roll. Like Mary1, really.
That is where Mary1 came into the equation. But unlike Einstein's Theory of Relativity things did not work out, the equation didn't balance for John30. Or Mary1, for that matter. You see Einstein's theory is that the laws of physics are the same everywhere and that the behaviour of objects (read: people) in space and time can be used to predict everything. However, in our case E did not equal mc2. Sadly. Or not, perhaps.
The Mary "job interviews" went well to be honest. Actually Mary1 got through to round two. And no, that is not stage two on the "how far did you go with him" scale, it means Mary1 got a second invitation to dinner. Does not always happen, you know. And John30 and Mary1 had two very good dinners. None of those pregnant pauses, lengthy moments of menu-staring or looking about the venue appearing to be interested in the other strange people in the restaurant. Things never got to the stage of predicting why the couple besides them were not speaking at all. Sometimes one resorts to such past times at dinners. They never did.
However, the John30-Mary1starter motor or the spark plugs or the battery or something or other was not working perfectly. Mary1 and John30 did the texting story for a bit thereafter but it didn't ignite the engine, nor rev it for that matter, and eventually the John30-Mary1 engine flooded and then ground to a halt.
It's not all bad of course. It happens. It's odd, but common. And Mary1 would say that this is one up on idling, malfunctioning, missing, stalling, or even ticking over. In Mary1's handbook unless the engine is firing on all cyclinders, then it really is not worth catching that lift.