The science behind the homosexual man's attraction to heterosexual women ...

Why is it that homosexual men date the most beautiful heterosexual women? Yes, closeted gay men date, and sometimes enter into a relationship with, the most exquisite women.
My theory is that when a chap is in the closet, he avoids dating and relating to those to whom he is attracted (men) because he is in the closet, so to speak. Instead he does what he perceives he ought to do and that is, date and relate to women. Now this is tricky. How is our gay chap going to wiggle out of this corner he puts himself into? He is however, so clever: what he does is he sets an unattainable standard for the women he dates. In this way he is safe in the relationship. It will not work. It will not be sustainable. Perfect. There is always a way out as there is something about her that doesn't quite meet his unrealistic standards. The bar is set so high that the relationship is sabotaged. The gay chap is then rescued from the relationship progressing and him eventually having to make a commitment to a woman when all he wants is a man. What happens is through a process of elimination gay men choose to date virtually perfect women, they have to be near-perfect as his standards are so high, but they are not perfect for this man as the man is gay. No-one understands why the man keeps breaking up with these amazing women. The gay man does. He is just not into these women. Or any woman for that matter.
Ten percent, yes 10%, of the Johns that Mary1 has dated are closet gays. She knows it in her heart of hearts. And her heart cries for these Johns. What are they doing in a closet for Pete's sake? It is 2016 and to hell with society. Society sucks. Kapiche.
Interestingly, 10% of the South African population is gay. So Mary1's experience is completely unsurprising.
These Johns are beautiful men. They are conscious. They have high EQs (emotional intelligence). They can relate to Mary1. They are empaths. They are the kind of men with whom Marys just love to be, love to date and love to relate. Gay men would make the best partners for Marys. Sigh.
Mary1's presumed gay Johns have not all been as clever as her theory as outlined above portrays. No. in fact 83% of these Johns had married and had had children and divorced. That is tragic. It is a pity that these Johns had had to go to these lengths. Imagine having to have sex with a woman when all you want is sex with a man. Imagine having to spoon with a woman when all you want is to spoon with a man. Tragic. It is a pity that Mary's Johns had not kept that bar sufficiently high so as to avoid the heartache of a sham life. They could have just continued to date exquisite Marys. Or, the best case scenario, they could have come out of that bloody closet.
Mary1 spotted John27 today. Out with a beautiful lithe blonde. Shame.
Mary1 is sure John27's Mum is sufficiently old and enlightened by now to embrace John27's true persona. He is after all her son. For the past 50-odd years already. And she would still love him, boyfriends and all. John27 should try coming out of that dingy little closet. His Mum will surprise him. Mums love their sons. Regardless. More Johns should try this out ...