The techno-giant
John34 loves technology. And games. Electronic games. Especially video games. Or whatever they are called today. X-Box? Nintendo Wii? Play station? Gameboy? In fact he loved playing these so much that he gave up his day job as a corporate financier for a public listed company to make them. Truly. Mary1's head is still shaking. Violently.
Flashback for the purposes of context. Mary1 has only ever had one television in her home. Okay, two. But one was dedicated to the staff. Mary1's television is only there for the purposes of the viewing of sport. Don't get excited Johns, not for Mary1 to watch sport on but for the son and heir to watch sport on. He loves watching sport so much that he offered to leave boarding school and live at home if Mary1 purchased a very big flat screen. Now that is one huge sacrifice for the said son and heir to offer to make. He loves his boarding house with all his heart and all his soul - who wouldn't love to live permanently in a Club Med environment? He certainly doesn't get egg and bacon croissants for breakfast chez moi. Nor does he sleep in until 7.29am on a weekday morn at home. It was of course not Mary1's intention to have the son and heir make such a drastic move: he is after all better off under a roof which houses some 80 similar savages. So, as attractive as the son and heir perceived that bargaining tool to be, Mary1 did not bite. He didn't really want to come home. She would've purchased the said television and he would still have gone back to school. Know your child.
Mary1 has no TV games or video games or whatever these things are called in her home. Never has. They are not her scene and funnily enough none of her offspring were ever attracted to such entertainment either. They used to be a 'puzzle-board game' kind of family back in the day. They are now a 'talking-debating-loud music-reading' kind of family. Debating: the polite version of the concept of arguing ruthlessly until the opponent backs down in self-defence. The loud music part was only added latterly now that the academic component of the household has departed for university. And with her the reading and debating aspects also disappeared so they are now a 'talking-loud music' kind of family. And the television is only ever switched on while the staff are working - it must be so dull to iron with nothing going on around one - or perhaps when the staff are not working. No further comment. And of course when the son and heir makes his guest appearances on a fortnightly basis.
It is then in this context that Mary1 considered John34. Could one imagine Mary1 spending a significant amount of her precious leisure time with a fellow who is obsessed with electronic games? Yes, opposites do attract. Yes, how dull to date one the same as oneself. Yes, she could learn the ABC of gaming: she could sprout forth about action points, aimbots, buffs, chiptunes, dialog trees, endless modes, flashing invulnerabilities, kiting, rage quits, warp zones and so forth in no time at all. Oh yes, she could. She learned to speak Spanish in about a fortnight just before she went to Spain so that she could be useful at the Spanish dinner parties that had been lined up. This can't be much different. And as much as she would not have minded having been the spouse of Bill Gates (for his brain of course, nothing else) she just could not picture herself with John34 on a Tuesday evening discussing his latest combat ploy. Or the antics of a wizzer-eating munchkin.
As run-of-the-mill as corporate financiers are, that is those that don't jump ship for the likes of gaming, Mary1 thinks that at this stage she will stick to what she knows best. Talking. Debating. Loud music. Reading. And corporate financiers who talk, argue, play loud music and read.