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The Law of Vibration

"Somethings burnin' I can't figure out what

it's either lust, or a cloud of dust,

Judgment is clouded, must just be the powder

from the power of love

but I'm in somethin' I don't know how to get outta ..."

Eminem: "Love Game"

How often do you meet another (male or female) and there is 'something', something intangible, something electric between you? Like some kind of 'vibe' between you? What you are picking up is one another's vibrational energy. We are all energetic beings. We all have energy. Our energy vibrates. We all have vibrational energies.

Like energies attract like energies and vice versa. You can tell I did Physics for matric. I was listening after all. The Law of Vibration is not as well known as the Law of Attraction. However, the Law of Vibration is the foundation of the Law of Attraction. So, when you are attracted to someone it has something to do with the alikeness of your vibrations, your energies. There's a compatibility of energies. You are both attracted to one another's energy.

Attraction is not outwardly physical. Sorry all. It is not the pretty face. Or the slinky body. It is your energy that attracts. Or doesn't. The truth is that attraction and love have almost nothing to do with superficial factors. Attraction is a 'vibe' thing.

This explains why my dates with so many wonderful Johns have not ventured beyond the initial or a few more dates. Only a very few have morphed into a 'relationship' of sorts. The majority of my dates have been socio-economically and educationally compatible with me. And in many a case we were compatible in lifestyle and in life stage, not to mention values and one would have predicted that given the alignment in these areas a match was possible. An arranged marriage could have been an option in many a case.

So why did John7 and I not get out of the starting blocks? Socio-economic, educational, lifestyle, life stage all beautifully aligned. And good looking, just saying. Great sundowners at my favourite hotel, followed by dinner on the veranda. All glorious. But? I can only surmise that our energies were not like enough for attraction of the relationship kind.

John7 is an awesome man. He dates a special friend of mine. Their energies are clearly like. I look forward to finding my energetic match, too.


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