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My moment of silence ...

Mary1 has a lot to say. About everything. Even engineering. And the darker side of those magnificent carpets of Spring flowers. Even medical issues; "Trust me I am a doctor's daughter", I say in pursuit of winning a medically-related argument. You should hear me at work. Some of my colleagues wear earphones. #my-right-hand-man! Others wear earplugs hidden under their head scarves. I am sure greater religious observance has emerged in the office just to hide the earplugs. I suspect as much or else I am sure there would have been a complaint by now. To "management". Talking is one of my strong suits. That is probably why dating comes so easily to me. What better than a captive audience for a hour! Jokes aside, I enjoy discussing and arguing and "unpacking" (delicious word, so pseudo) issues and most of all, believe it or not, I benefit from my fellow chatter's input. John61 benefitted me. A lot.

"I only have an hour off for lunch" I told John61 when he proposed a lunchtime meeting for the first date. Actually it's 45 minutes that we have off but an hour it is when I do leave office on such an occasion. Sit down co-workers. No need to organise a wildcat strike. I make up the time, believe you me. At home. When travelling. When I don't lunch. And when not talking, do I work. Hope that strike is averted.

We took at least seven minutes to co-ordinate the time of this date. I had one constraint. One hour anytime between noon and two. John61 had child lifts, early morn and lunchtime and gym and newspaper reading. It was seemingly terribly tricky to fit me in. I listened to John61 as he verbalised the activity being undertaken by his neurons and synapses as he co-ordinated his date day. I could almost feel the voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current within the neurons of John61's brain. I did not need an EEG (electroencephalograph) to do such for me. My mobile phone did the trick. The organisation that went on was exhausting.

The local deli was the venue. I am particularly partial to their gluten-free bread. Toasted with butter. Tops. John61 arrived earlier than me and was busy with his first coffee. I sat down and an immediate rapport was apparent. John61 was chatty. "We" spoke non-stop for an hour. I stopped John61 for a second after a quarter of an hour or so to call a waitron to order myself a beverage. And later, another beverage. I stopped John61 twice. Fortunately I am not too timid to hail a waitron. If I had relied on John61 to do so I would have died of thirst. I waited however for John61 to suggest we order a snack. He did get around to this. After 55 minutes. I waived the kind offer of such as I needed to pop back to work. Funny that. But John61 ordered himself a marvellous meaty American-style feast.

John61 would not be able to track me down in a telephone book. I am not sure he knows my surname. I didn't get a chance to tell him. Or anything else! John61 is intelligent rather than intellectual, interesting rather than interested. A little bit more intellect and interest would have been nice. I am sure John61 would describe me as a quiet, smiley kind of gal. Because that is what I was. Quiet. I had no choice. Smiley. Oh, I chose that.


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