The multitasking men ...

Gosh! It is possible. Yes. A man who can multitask. Well, in the case of John46, John58, John49, John15 multitasking was a point of commonality. It was what made them stand out from the crowd.
Now, I have yet to write about either of John46, John58, John49 or John15. It would be a waste of wonderful data to lump them altogether in one discussion as each John has his own special story. I shall instead write this post on that which they all had in common and later describe our dates on a per John basis. Consider this post to be a bonus entry.
Multitasking. Men are not well-renowned in the multitasking department. According to Wikipaedia "Human multitasking is an apparent human ability to perform more than one task, or activity, over a short period of time." Women commonly multitask. I think we multitask as a consequence of our short concentration spans when it comes to our responsibilities; they are so dull that multitasking makes them more of a challenge. Try pushing a trolley around a supermarket weekly for your whole adult life and tell me how invigorating that is. Or cooking the Monday evening spaghetti bolognaise. Or loading the washing machine. Now try pushing said trolley whilst on the mobile telephone and watching that you don't lose any of your offspring to a supermarket-child-snatcher. More challenging. Prep school spelling testing while stirring the bolognaise sauce and feeding the dogs is one up on Prep school spelling testing on its own. Get the look? The thing is that, sadly, effective multitasking is an oxymoron (lovely word). Even in the case of the female multitasker. It cannot be effective. By its very nature. Something has to give. And in the case of John46, John58, John49 and John15 something 'gave'. Their multitasking proved not to be effective.
You see, in the cases of John15, John46, john49 and John58, when inviting me out on the very first date, none of these Johns was actually 100% single. 100%? Yes, not 100% single they reported openly. In my view, one is either single or one is not single. It is a bit like being pregnant. You either are, or you are not. Simple really. I thought. Slow down. I have learned there are degrees of singleness. One can even be in a relationship which is classified as "not exclusive" which means you can boast a degree of singleness albeit whilst in a relationship. "Not exclusive relationship" is another oxymoron. In my very 1980s opinion. But, I digress.
These four Johns invited me out on one date (John49and John58) and three dates (John15 and John46) when they were already "sort of" dating someone else. The poor someone else's. I have been a someone else and it is not happy. These Johns were shopping around for something better. It is called FOMO (means 'fear of missing out', Mom) according to my lastborn. She suffers from it at 13 she says! A text from John58 last Sunday mentioned that things were still a little "untidy" in his personal life but that he was "working on clearing things" and was looking forward to our next date. I like the honest touch that each of the Johns displayed. Honest to me, that is. Not their someone else's. These Johns all openly reported tricky personal lives and were in the throws of breaking up with their someone else's. In the throws of! How long does it take? Really. How tricky is it to say: "Someone else, thank you for the lovely relationship but I would like to end it now." No. That would be silly. Rather find a new someone else before trading the old someone else in. So, multitask they do. Ducking and diving. Texting and sexting. Sometimes the wrong someone. Until something gives. They are bust. And one of the someone's calls it quits. That would be me.
Look forward to a date with a non-multitasking John!