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Electric Avenue ...

In 1982 Eddy Grant brought out his Reggae song "Electric Avenue". This song best describes John3 and Mary1. Especially the words " ... And then we'll take it higher / Oh we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue ..." That pretty much sums it up.

If you didn't believe in "love at first sight" then this meeting would convert you. It was electric. Literally sizzling. All the hair on my arms stood up when I met this man. John3 and I met at my favourite hotel for a sundowner. Safe venue. The staff know me by name. He hates the venue. We left after the sundowner and dined elsewhere. Unremarkable restaurant. Didn't taste the food. Cannot recall what I ate. I was too mesmerised by John3.

I have never held hands with a John on a date one. I held hands with John3. This was ridiculous. But John3 was all over me like a sack of fleas. It was marvellous. And no, he didn't invite me home. Clever man. Memorable smooch in the car park though. Who smooches on a first date? #slut?

And no, that was so not it ... the trip down "Electric Avenue" with John3 was long and memorable and morphed into Eddy Grant's song "Do you feel my love?" in a very short space of time. The sea, the mountains, wild flowers, music, sailing, weekends away ... for a few memorable months.

John3 was right, I was making a mistake in the words of Eddy Grant " ... as I walked away ...".

Eddy Grant, you rock. so does John3.


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