The man who didn't want to be having coffee with me ...

Much telephonic banter with a seemingly intelligent man. Bit of arrogance I did detect. But I accepted the coffee date with John47 all the same. An Atlantic Seaboard late weekend morning arrangement was made. I performed my usual due diligence exercise: Google, Facebook, Linked-In, the works. I knew all about John47: he had even dated a friend of a friend of a friend. Which is comforting. This process of due diligence has unearthed a number of surprises over time and is a most worthwhile endeavour. I learned all about his past work experience, travels, loves, the lot. And I was not deterred. I had a very foxy lunch arrangement lined up that same day so I looked like a film star for coffee, too. John47 was a lucky man.
He arrived late. No apology.
John47 battled to hold eye contact or perhaps he didn't even try and made no effort at conversation. Those monosyllabic responses were tiresome. He rocked on the back legs of the chair he was seated upon. So irritating. A friendly fellow at a neighbouring table struck up a chat with us (read: me) - perhaps he sensed I was battling.
John47 gulped down his Chai latte or whatever he had ordered (it was not a cappuccino I recall) and announced that he had to run. He had a sporting arrangement lined up. He paid. He left.
I continued chatting to the friendly fellow and finished up my cappuccino. It was one of those glorious Spring days, mist lifting off the sea, no breeze, sitting outside at last after such a long winter. The venue was almost spiritual. Which made up for John47 and the 20-minute coffee dash. Which was far from a spiritual experience.